Cold Weather Care Tips for Your Engine

Colder weather is on its way, and that can mean bad news for your vehicle. Even if you don’t live somewhere that has harsh winters, drops in temperature can make vehicles have to work harder to perform properly. So what can you do to ensure your vehicle is in the best condition possible this winter? Well, here are a few simple steps on how to keep your engine warm in winter.
Check the fluids: One of the most important tasks you should do before colder weather arrives is check the fluids. The two fluids you should be most concerned with is the oil and the coolant. Leaving dirty oil in your car for too long can cause damage, especially in cooler weather. So a pre-winter oil change is essential for keeping used Japanese engines and transmissions in good shape. Additionally, you should have the cooling system checked to ensure the level of antifreeze is ideal.
Schedule a tune-up: Even if you invest in high-quality, low mileage Japanese engines, all engines could use a good tune-up every now and then. And with colder weather on its way, now is the perfect time for a tune-up. There are a few important items that should be checked, like hoses, belts, and spark plugs. Checking and replacing these few parts can be a simple way to ensure your engine is in good condition. And scheduling a tune-up will help catch any other potential problems early on.
Store it properly: If you plan on storing your car even for a few weeks of winter, it’s important to store it properly. Without taking the right precautions, your vehicle can sustain damage from being stationary for too long. So even if it’s for a short time, make sure you’re taking the right steps to keep your car in good shape in storage. You can do things like add fuel stabilizer, fill your gas tank, and seal off exhaust pipes to keep your vehicle in tip-top shape.
Because there are about 7.83 million vehicles manufactured in Japan every year, there are plenty of low mileage Japanese engines available on the market. With the right engine and proper care, you can rest assured your vehicle will run smoothly with these winter car care tips.
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