
3 Misconceptions About Vehicles You Shouldn’t Believe

December 12, 2018
high quality engines

There are more vehicles on today’s roads than ever before. In fact, a PwC forecast shows that about 107 million vehicles will be produced around the world in 2020. But despite the many vehicles that exist in today’s world, there are still several misconceptions that people believe. While most misconceptions are harmless, let’s take a look at a few that could be costing you time or money.


You need to let your engine warm up: One of the most common misconceptions about cars is that you have to let the engine warm up before driving it. And while it’s nice to get into a warm car during the colder months, your engine doesn’t necessarily need to be warmed up. This is because an idling engine generates the least amount of heat possible. So instead of letting the engine warm up, the easiest way to warm up your engine is to simply start driving it and let it warm up as you go.


You should fill up with premium gas: Filling your car up with premium gas will make it run better, right? This is actually not true. For most vehicles, even those with high quality engines, using a higher octane gas than what is recommended virtually has no impact on the vehicle’s performance. However, high-performance vehicles do need high-octane gasoline, otherwise, the engine will start knocking and will suffer significantly. So don’t feel like you need to pay more for premium gas unless it’s recommended for the used Japanese engines and transmissions in your vehicles.


Your oil needs to be changed every 3,000 miles: In the past, when cars didn’t have the high quality engines today’s cars have, the oil needed to be changed more frequently. This is why many car owners today continue to change their oil every 3,000 miles or so. But with today’s technology and auto improvements, many vehicles can go up to 10,000 miles without needing an oil change. While there’s certainly no harm in changing the oil more frequently, you really don’t have to.


Hopefully, this article cleared up some confusion about vehicle care. Keep this information in mind so you can take care of your vehicle to the best of your abilities.

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